
To be male, poor, and Black is to confront on a daily basis, a deeply-held racism that exists in every social institution.

(Busette, 2020)


52% of Black men who fail to finish high school end up in prison.The sons of Black families from the top 1 percent had about the same chance of being incarcerated on a given day as the sons of white families earning $36,000.

The probability of being Black, unarmed, and shot by police is about 3.5 times the probability of being White, unarmed, and shot by police on average. Black males are three times more likely to die from gun violence than graduate college.

Over 70% of students involved in school-related arrests or referred to law enforcement are Black or Latinx/Hispanic.


In urban areas, over 50% of Black males do not graduate from high school. Black males are 3.5 x more likely to be suspended or expelled than white males 1 in 4 Black students with disabilities is likely to be suspended as compared to 1 in 20 for White students

Black and Latinx/Hispanic youth comprise 17% of the educational system yet constitute 41% of Special Education.

Black undergraduate men, like some other racial minority students at predominantly White institutions, routinely encounter racist stereotypes and racial micro aggressions that undermine their achievement and sense of belonging.

The unemployment rate of Black men in all age groups is 2X higher than other racial/ethnic groups.


On the current trajectory, it will take 95 years for Black employees to reach talent parity across all levels in the private sector.*  (McKinsey data analysis 2021)


Black men have the lowest life expectancy and the highest death rate from specific causes compared to both men and women of other racial and ethnic groups, according to the CDC.


Homeownership is lower for Black college graduates than for White high school dropouts.

Seventeen percent of the Black-White homeownership gap can’t be explained by identifiable factors.

Black people represent 13% of the general population but account for 39% of people experiencing homelessness and more than 50% of homeless families with children.


The industry has long monetized Black and Brown culture and creativity, and yet there is a significant gap in representation of people of color in positions of power in the industry.

Media of all types offer a distorted representation of the lives and reality of young men of color. This negatively affects the public’s understanding and attitude related to young men of color. These distortions lead to negative real-world consequences for young men of color.


Unlocking Potential for Young Men of Color



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